Friday, April 06, 2007

Humpty Lumpty's sad fate in a coal fired power plant

Humpty Lumpty came from a mine.

Humpty Lumpty rode on a line.

Humpty Lumpty was burnt to an ash,

so far away strangers could end up with cash.

Humpty Lumpty boiled some steam,

from water taken from every stream.

Humpty Lumpty should have stayed put,

and left everything downwind not covered with soot.

Humpty Lumpty left us with a mess,

when there are better options – and that's not a guess.

Just remember:

All the kings whores, and all the king's men

can't put Humpty's chemicals back together again.


Abstract360 said...

That's a sweet poem buddy! How is everything going?

dortiz said...

Very clever and funny writing!