Friday, July 11, 2008

Longest Walk 2 Reaches Washington!

Today's the big day.

The Longest Walk 2 has made it all the way, walking across the nation. They were scheduled to walk to the White House this morning.


We in Ely, and the people of the country thank you.

You took many of our messages with you to Washington.

You represent a nation of people who have supported you.

Today, may your voices be heard.

We all know the attitudes of the people who run this country.

We know how they feel about the earth... they wish to dominate it.

But, we are only a part of the earth.

We must learn how to live as a part of the system of life.

And Native peoples have a slightly better comprehension of this fact of life.

Today, may your voices be heard.

There are those who believe that they are the voice of the people.

Or, at least they want us to believe it.

Some of them even believe they are above the law.

But no one is above the laws of nature.

Most people realize that, but some people don't care.

Unfortunately, the cost of apathy is far greater than we ever imagined.

Today, may your voices be heard.


dortiz said...

And there is my people sleeping
since a long time
But aren't just dreams
the old cars without engine
Parking in front of the house
or angry words ordering peace of mind or who steals from you for your good and doesn't wanna remember what he owes you
Sometimes I'd like to fall asleep too, close my eyes on everything
But I can't I can't

From the book: There is my people sleeping by Sarain Stump

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What an incredible accomplishment to walk across the nation. Amazing what we have to do to simply have our voices heard.

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