Monday, February 16, 2009

Good News, More Good News, And Even More...

NV Energy has decided to postpone the construction of the coal fired power plant in White Pine County until carbon sequestration becomes practical – which, in all this limestone, is never.

NV Energy still wants to build a big power line through White Pine County. Its quite apparent that they realize our potential for solar, wind, and geothermal power generation.

The last minute Bush Administration give away to the oil companies of leasing “rights” to Southern Utah public lands was stopped.

The new Secretary of the Interior sounds like he might be more in favor of ocean current, wave, and offshore wind power than “drill baby, drill.”

The 50 billion dollar give away to the coal and nuclear industry was excluded from the Stimulus Package.

It's looking more and more like SNWA won't be able to afford the watergrab pipeline anytime soon.

...Even this recession has a silver lining. People are starting to pay attention. Those who have paid attention are angry. We want the change we've been promised. And we'll continue to push, because we realize no-one is going to just give us a better world.

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